John Cheever’s ‘Falconer’

Read ‘Falconer’ by John Cheever, the great writer who died in 1982. Read his ‘Journals’ two years ago, though have yet to transcribe my notes. Falconer is the name of the prison where Farragut, a war veteran and drug addict, is incarcerated for murdering his brother....

Bath & Somerset

We were in Bath last weekend for the wedding of my niece Sharon to Chris. Had time to do some touring in the city and surrounding Somerset, including visiting the Roman Baths, Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral (across the road from which is the late Ted Heath’s...

Paris Review Vol. IV

Finished ‘The Paris Review Interviews Vol. IV’. Have to say that throughout the entire series I found the interviews with novelists and short story writers much more compelling than those with poets but I suppose that is understandable. Nor was I impressed by the late...

Made In Dagenham

On Sunday we went to see an excellent film, ‘Made In Dagenham’ about the Ford factory women’s strike in 1968. The dramatization was very evocative of the period, was funny and at times very moving: a little gem. The strike was initially called by the women sewing...

G. K. Chesterton

Finished G.K. Chesterton’s ‘Autobiography’. Mostly boring but with some notable things, some of which were quite funny. I always remember my friend Terry Devlin quoting Chesterton’s hyperbolic saying about the Irish: For the great Gaels of Ireland Are the men that God...