Southern Elections

I was interviewed by Brian Rowan in a feature for the ‘Belfast Telegraph’ about next week’s elections in the South. Feature was titled, ‘When Sinn Fein risks need to translate into Dail seats’. “The party’s former PR director is not playing the...

Margaret Atwood

Finished ‘Negotiating With The Dead’ by Margaret Atwood on the role of the writer. It was just about okay. Book to follow up on – ‘Doctor Glas’ by Hjalmar Soderberg 14th February. Interview with Brian Rowan re Gerry Adams standing in Louth, published in Belfast...

The Story of Two Sisters

Men would arrive late at night, on foot or on bicycle. They stayed for a couple of nights, were fed and rested. Someone would come out from Derry and rendezvous with them, bringing them a message of when it was safe to travel. Among the fugitives were escapees from...

David Lodge

Read ‘The Art of Fiction’ by David Lodge for the third time in early January and again took notes. It is such a valuable book for the novelist and novice. He is crisp, clear, affirmative: “the novel is supreme among the forms of narrative literature in rendering...

Stefan Zweig

Finished ‘The Post Office Girl’ by Stefan Zweig, a sad, desperate story set in the 1920s about a poor young woman whom life is passing by, suddenly lights up, then fades again. The novel was found after Viennese-born Zweig and his wife committed suicide in Rio de...