
Finished ‘The Shape of Water’ by Andrea Camilleri from which the series currently running on BBC4 on Saturday nights has been adapted, ‘Inspector Montalbano’. This is the ‘First Inspector Montalbano Mystery’. It is full of little quotes which enrich the work. For...


It opens with his mother and ends with a letter from his lover! ‘Living To Tell The Tale’ by Gabríel ‘Gabo’ Garcia Márquez, first published 2002 and translated by Edith Grossman is a wonderful read, full of insights and quotes. For example, this one attributed to...

Love Matters

‘Love Matters’ by Gary Mitchell is much in the vein of his ‘Billy’ plays, so-to-speak, which deal critically and show little sympathy with the domestic lives of loyalist paramilitaries, usually the UDA (which actually drove Mitchell out of his North Belfast home). I...