Blessed Pauses – He Paused!

‘Oh my God! ’E looks like a toad!’ were the first words said by Brian Blessed’s mother just after she had given birth. ‘’E looks as if ’e’s been in the ring with Joe Louis!’ I have always admired Brian Blessed from his earliest days in ‘Z Cars’ in 1962 which I watched...

One City, One Book

Whiterock Road Library last night. It was great listening to three writers and a critic discuss Belfast city and its environs as depicted in their books and those of others. ‘One City, One Book 2013’ is a series of readings, discussions, interviews and talks running...

Enjoyed the Q & A

On Thursday night I did a reading and book signing in Eason’s in Donegal Place. The staff in the shop, especially Jonathan and Allison, were wonderful. Got a real buzz out of the Q & A. People from Carrickmore, Glenavy and Downpatrick came along. Earlier, I was...

Belfast Reading, Eason

Eason’s Donegall Place, 6.30pm, Thursday 9th May, I shall be reading from my new novel and signing copies. You are all welcome! See poster for full details. This quotation is from the prologue – Drumbridge, 1946 The attacker shivered and waited in the shadows at...