Tracks of Tears

I reviewed Richard Flanagan’s novel The Sound Of One Hand Clapping for The Examiner in 1998 and didn’t like it. So, eagerly because of all the praise it had received, but with some reservations, I plunged into The Narrow Road To The Deep South. I still have problems...

Interviewed on Russia Today

Just back from London where I was interviewed about my novel West Belfast by George Galloway MP and Gayatri Pertiwi for their television programme Sputnik on Russia Today (to be broadcast on Saturday 24th January. About 13.30mins in). Bought Wandering by Hermann Hesse...


Finished Gabriel Chevallier’s hilarious Clochemerle – a comic satire about how the building of a public lavatory provokes a furore in the eponymous Beaujolais village between the left and the right. Must get his novel about WWI, La Peur (Fear). Clochemerle...

State Papers 1985/1986

I was on a panel on Sunday with Alex Kane and Eamonn Phoenix. We were on Radio Ulster’s Sunday Sequence, chaired by Audrey Carville, and were there to discuss the recently released state papers from London, Dublin and Belfast covering the period before and after the...