Walter Macken

Recently, An Phoblacht published a feature by Robert Allen about the writer Walter Macken who died in 1967 at the age of fifty-one, who has been described by the Connaught Tribune as “Galway’s neglected genius of literature,” and the centenary of whose birth takes...

Alex Attwood – Memory Man

Today on The Nolan Show on BBC Radio Ulster, one of the SDLP’s leaders, Alex Attwood, was asked who was standing for the party in Fermanagh & South Tyrone in the May general election. Alex said the party had yet to decide. In fact, the SDLP convention took place...

’71 – Discussion

Interviewed on BBC Radio Foyle with Jim Allister, TUV, about Stormont Speaker Mitchell McLaughlin’s speech on the issue of mutual respect. 15th March. Took part in discussion on conflict resolution with former Para Glenn Bradley at Queens Film Theatre after the...

On This Day

Around about this time in 1988 I was in Milltown Cemetery with several thousand people at the funerals of Dan McCann, Sean Savage and Mairead Farrell, IRA Volunteers who had been killed by the SAS in Gibraltar ten days earlier. Given the large number of relatives at...

Kevin Brady Commemoration

I’ll be reading from West Belfast this Saturday night in Leo’s Tavern, following a ceremony earlier in the day to commemorate my friend and comrade IRA Volunteer Kevin Brady. Kevin was killed along with Thomas McErlean and John Murray when the funeral for the...