Before The Deluge

Really liked this book – Before The Deluge – a Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s by Otto Friedrich – which was given to me as a present by a couple from Nuremberg, Michael and Marion Wolf, whom I met at a left-wing book fair in Munich last year. The book...

Children of Las Vegas

My friend the writer Timothy O’Grady has reached his crowd-funding target for his book about the children of Las Vegas. Below, he tells the story behind his writing the book. You can still subscribe to its publication and receive a variety of rewards: One day in a...

Scribes At The Rock

Am about to introduce Scribes at the Rock with Henrietta McKervey, Stuart Carolan and the wonderful Marian Keyes! 6th August. Interviewed with Alan Kane on Radio Ulster’s Good Morning Ireland by Noel Thompson with regard to Jeremy Corbyn’s bid for the leadership of...