Aug 22, 2012 | Latest
Am re-reading Chekhov, the greatest short story writer ever. Within two sentences you are there – be it the steppes of Russia or down below in a ship’s sick-bay as the ‘Wind plays in the rigging, the screw thuds, waves thrash, bunks creak.’ One of my favourite...
Jun 18, 2012 | Features
You certainly learn something all the time and I was disappointed and annoyed to discover from Jenny Williams’ book on Hans Fallada (‘More Lives Than One’) that when he was imprisoned he was “rewarded not only by being promoted to the rank of a trustee but also by...
Jun 18, 2012 | Latest
Finished ‘More Lives Than One – a biography of Hans Fallada’ by Jenny Williams, a Professor of Literature at Dublin City University. 15th June. Interviewed by Joseph McCabe from Dublin, a student at Queens whose MA dissertation is titled: Republicans and Policing;...
May 25, 2012 | Latest
Represented Feile an Phobail, along with Geraldine McAteer and Angela Mervyn, at a fundraiser in Shorts Social Club for the inaugural East Belfast Arts Festival which gets off the ground this September. We were warmly welcomed and received and I spoke to a number of...
May 18, 2012 | Features
In an editorial on the 16th May in the US paper, the Irish Echo, ‘Standoff Turns On Credibility Of Threats’, Ray O’Hanlon raises the question of how credible are the claims by Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre in the Boston College archives case that there is a grave...