Jun 7, 2013 | Latest
Two reviews of my new novel appeared on the same day. One by Jim Gibney in the Irish News and the other on the website of the writer, poet and documentary film maker Paul Larkin. The Irish News has a firewall so I cannot link to the review but will publish it below....
May 26, 2013 | Features
‘Oh my God! ’E looks like a toad!’ were the first words said by Brian Blessed’s mother just after she had given birth. ‘’E looks as if ’e’s been in the ring with Joe Louis!’ I have always admired Brian Blessed from his earliest days in ‘Z Cars’ in 1962 which I watched...
May 14, 2013 | Latest
Whiterock Road Library last night. It was great listening to three writers and a critic discuss Belfast city and its environs as depicted in their books and those of others. ‘One City, One Book 2013’ is a series of readings, discussions, interviews and talks running...
May 11, 2013 | Latest
On Thursday night I did a reading and book signing in Eason’s in Donegal Place. The staff in the shop, especially Jonathan and Allison, were wonderful. Got a real buzz out of the Q & A. People from Carrickmore, Glenavy and Downpatrick came along. Earlier, I was...
May 6, 2013 | Latest
Eason’s Donegall Place, 6.30pm, Thursday 9th May, I shall be reading from my new novel and signing copies. You are all welcome! See poster for full details. This quotation is from the prologue – Drumbridge, 1946 The attacker shivered and waited in the shadows at...