Sep 8, 2022 | Latest
This week’s Andersonstown News reviews Patrick Anderson’s book on Ireland and Algeria* with its indepth account of the propaganda war during the conflict and which continues to this day, especially with the electoral rise of Sinn Fein. The book is reviewed...
Sep 4, 2022 | Latest
The writer and journalist Roy Greenslade reviewed Curious Journey in the Andersonstown News to coincide with a new issue of the book with a fresh introduction placing in context our most recent conflict with the Tan War and Civil War. THE title of this book could not...
Jul 24, 2022 | Features
A report from a Basque comrade on protests around the continued imprisonment, after thirty years, of three political prisoners. The north of the Basque Country, or the so called ‘French part’, came to a standstill yesterday as a series of demonstrations took place to...
Jul 5, 2022 | Features
Ciarán Quinn, Sinn Féin’s Representative for North America, writes about the issue of consent to constitutional change and how unionists are trying to create a precedent for blocking change and turning its meaning on its head – A couple of weeks ago I had an...
Jun 28, 2022 | Features
My review of Professor Brendan Kelly’s book, In Search of Madness – A Psychiatrist’s Travels Through the History of Mental Illness, was published in the Weekend Section of last Saturday’s Irish Examiner. Here it is: ‘At the age of 20, Helen presented to...