Mar 8, 2013 | Features
Twenty-five years ago three IRA Volunteers, Mairead Farrell, Dan McCann and Sean Savage, were executed by the SAS in Gibraltar. At the time I was Sinn Féin’s National Director of Publicity. Those killings and other events at that time ultimately led to the foundation...
Nov 1, 2012 | Features
Last Thursday I was invited by Vince Curry of the UDA-linked Ulster Political Research Group to participate in a panel discussion in a loyalist area of Lisburn as part of the John McMichael Memorial Debate. John McMichael was probably the most military-minded (yet...
Oct 23, 2012 | Features
In a press statement on Sept 14th, which coincided with the submission of his affidavit to a Belfast Court, Ed Moloney outlined his view of his Belfast Project debacle (“summarizing the essential facts”) and then states that what he has just written proves that he was...
Oct 20, 2012 | Features The Irish News phoned me the other day for an interview: they were doing a feature on the thirtieth anniversary of the Assembly elections which were held in twelve constituencies under PR on 20th October, 1982. I had...
Oct 9, 2012 | Features
So disquieted by ‘The Book of Disquietude’ by Fernando Pessoa to the extent that I couldn’t finish it. You feel immoveable, that the story is leading you nowhere except into depression and perhaps even death! Not sure where I first came upon his name but a few years...
Oct 1, 2012 | Features
Ed Moloney has some explaining to do. In his affidavit to a Belfast Court two weeks ago he stated categorically that Dolours Price in her interviews with Anthony McIntyre for Boston College’s ‘Belfast Project’ does “not once mention the name Jean McConville… nor that...